Now of course, all my international readers will not be familiar with the Shire of SAREPTA, Sareptashire to be correct.

It behoves me thus to locate it more geographically as somewhere between Bellville and Kuilsriver, not too far from the railway line, a few churches and a hospital. You get it né? Oh, near Cape Town. Or, for all you GPS users, just type in Suzie’s Restaurant. There you go.

Oh, 27 Joubert Street, SAREPTA, in old-fashioned speak.

Our meeting with the establishment and the couple was due to a familial lunch which had been long-planned. What a pleasure, finally.

Local, reasonably priced, small entrepreneur with an author husband to boot, eclectic furniture decorations and ambience!!! Who needs to go to Barrydale (where we were recently) or Riebeek-Kasteel to experience such.

Of course, the fact that it was ôns mense made it all the more special. Suzie and Willy Mathys made our visit a special event. Of course, our fellow diners, of the Joe Brenda variety, added to the spice.

Now I could go on about the cuisine, but suffice to say that, to Bev, it reminded her of the local cuisine she experienced on a visit to Mauritius a few years ago. Down to earth, value for money in an atmosphere of friendliness and cameraderie enhanced by the waitron and Willie acting as the lubricant between food and mouth.

Are we going there again? Definitely!

By the time if writing, I hard started reading Willy’s book, “Tjerel-Tjend, Wat Praat jy Als? Having just finished two books written in Kaaps by Chase Rhys, I was intrigued by the title. The first few pages has already heightened my appetite for more.

The food was good. The conversation afterwards even better. The friends made, including the identification of “lurkers” amongst us in terms of a Facebook group, knitted the building friendship together.

I can see our return visit being of similar vein. Maybe some Wyn would have been the catalyst for even more and deeper examination of our collective roots.

And, if I had the talent, I would compose and perform a country & western ditty, based on that called Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie. It would be called Suzie’s Restaurant.

Lekkertjies, my mênse, kô ôs doenit wee’!

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